Lean into lifelong learning in Phoenix, AZ
If you have a curious mind and an interest in learning, you’ll love living at Beatitudes Campus. From the very beginning, our senior living community has embraced and honored the pursuit of knowledge. One of our most popular amenities, the Beatitudes Center for Lifelong Learners is entirely managed by residents. Without tests and grades, the relaxed classes foster an atmosphere of true learning by encouraging discussion, exploration and understanding. The courses are taught by college professors, entrepreneurs, artists, campus staff and resident experts, and are open to current and prospective residents.
Join us for a class!
To hear more about the Lifelong Learners program or register for a course, call us at 602.536.4734 today.
Popular Courses

- Astronomy
- Literature of the Southwest
- Great Poets
- Kings and Queens of England
- Architectural Styles
- History of the Violin
- Foreign Languages — Spanish, German, French
- Skill Building — Computers, Tablets, Smartphones, Internet, Email