life at a senior living community

If you’ve been wondering whether a move to a senior living community is the right thing, you’ll be pleasantly reassured to hear that life at Beatitudes Campus comes with fewer risks and many more rewards. We’ve reimagined senior living to enhance everyday life, even in a pandemic.

Healthy All Year Long

As experts in healthcare, senior living communities understand how to safeguard your health and well-being. The staff, including ours, follows strict protocols for safety and cleanliness, and most communities have the capabilities and resources to respond quickly and efficiently to any issues.

At well-planned communities like Beatitudes Campus, older adults are healthier year-round. Opportunities to take fitness classes, swim, dance, walk, garden, paint, learn a language, socialize, volunteer and participate in an array of activities and programs help keep bodies and minds sharp. Regardless of your age, being healthy is the best defense against any illness, especially colds and flus.

“I love the life here,” said Anita Shehi, who moved to Beatitudes Campus in 2019. “For me, there’s a sense of renewed purpose being active in the community, making new friends, volunteering, taking classes and getting back into learning.”

Social Distancing Without Social Isolation

Social distancing to stay safe has affected everyone. Not being able to enjoy the familiar routines of our favorite activities or the simple social interactions that come from dining out or gathering for meals has taken a profound toll on our cognitive abilities and mental and emotional well-being, not the least of which our healthy eating habits and waistlines. It’s been especially difficult for older adults who may be retired and live in one- or two-person households.

Building on years of experience developing social, recreational and educational opportunities, senior living communities are working hard to help residents stay active and connected. At Beatitudes Campus, staff and resident volunteers work together to create enjoyable virtual activities, physically distanced indoor festivities and carefully planned outdoor events that keep people engaged and moving.

As for eating healthy, senior communities make it easy to enjoy a variety of delicious and nutritious meals at on-campus restaurants. Beatitudes Campus, for example, has several restaurants, from a bistro and coffee bar to a steakhouse and grille to a gourmet dining room. Throughout the pandemic, the community’s staff has delivered made-to-order restaurant meals, groceries and essentials to residents’ homes.

“There’s nowhere we’d rather be than right here, especially now. We feel safer and more secure at Beatitudes. The staff handles everything,” said Dan and Marge O’Horo, who moved to Beatitudes Campus in 2016. “They’ve worked really hard to keep life fun and engaging as we stay home to stay safe.”

Access to Healthcare and Help at Home

In addition to enjoyable activities and convenient services, many senior living communities offer access to onsite healthcare, making it easier to treat illnesses and chronic conditions so they don’t escalate to a bigger issue. At Beatitudes Campus, you’ll find onsite health services, from certified 24/7 security response and an outpatient clinic for primary care and podiatry services to rehabilitative therapies and specialized care such as skilled nursing care and memory support.

While we’ve seen on the news how many people across the country have to wait in line for care, at Beatitudes Campus, you can make an appointment for a doctor’s visit, a vaccination or physical therapy session, for example. If you’re not feeling well enough to come in, we’ll send medical staff to your home so you never have to go without care. As we’ve mentioned before, Beatitudes Campus was part of the early vaccine rollout and continues to help get vaccines to those who are most vulnerable to the coronavirus.

Read More: Plan Now, Be Prepared For Tomorrow

Beyond in-home care, Beatitudes Campus also offers in-home support and assistance with a variety of tasks, including meal prep, pet care, errands, laundry, medication reminders and more — all helpful services whether there’s a pandemic or not.

“While we’re looking forward to getting back to our normal routine, we’re extremely grateful to be here during this difficult time. We can’t imagine trying to face this ourselves,” said Robert Andrews and Cynthia Cielle, who moved to Beatitudes Campus in 2019. “When deciding where to move, it was important to us to feel completely safe. We didn’t realize how very important that decision would become.”

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Let’s talk about it!

Want to experience Beatitudes Campus for yourself, call us today at 602.883.1358 or send us a note using the form below.